<aside> <img src="/icons/question-mark_red.svg" alt="/icons/question-mark_red.svg" width="40px" /> Q1 - I mistakenly linked my X(Twitter)/Discord to the wrong address, how can I disconnect my social accounts?


This error occurred because you once successfully signed in with you X(Twitter)/Discord, which indicates the successful creation of your account.

Solution: Step 1. Sign in using your X(Twitter)/Discord/Wallet Address Step 2. Go to https://app.questn.com/profile/edit and unlink your social accounts, kindly wait for 24 hours then you will be able to connect to the account you like.

PS: Avoid frequently changing your social media information, as each change will result in a longer time to reconnect when switching to a new account


<aside> ❓ Q2 - It says This X/Discord account has been connected to another address: None. What should I do?


This error is due to your creating a separate account using your social media. Login via X/Discord, and bind a wallet address to that account, then disconnect your social media accounts from that account.


<aside> ❓ Q3 - I can't link my Telegram account to QuestN, how can I solve this?


Please refer to the following link for assistance:

Everything You Need to Know About Third-Party Cookies - Securiti


<aside> ❓ Q4 - I lost access to my wallet address, can you help me to restore my account?


Wallet addresses are the only essential factor that cannot be changed to a QuestN account. Regarding to this situation, please re-create an account for yourself with a new wallet address.


<aside> ❓ Q5 - Can I change my linked wallet address? Q6 - Can you reset my account? Q7 - Can I delete my account?


No, no, and no.


<aside> 🧑🏻‍🔧 If your issue is not mentioned above, kindly contact us at 👇🏻 QuestN Discord Server-public support
