🚀With the latest version launched, QuestN has supported a new reward type, which is rewarding with Discord roles.


This new reward type will guarantee the projects on QuestN the support to build a more structured Discord community and cast more enthusiasm into the community members.

To do that, communities on QuestN have to invite the QuestN bot to their Discord servers.

👾And here is how you can make it:

  1. Click the button <Invite bot>.


  1. Select a server to which you have admin access, then click <Continue>.


  1. To successfully reward users with Discord roles, you will have to grant the QuestN bot permission to <Manage Roles>, then click <Authorise>.


  1. Confirm the QuestN bot is in your member list.


Congrats, you’ve made it, now finish the rest settings and try it out! 👍🏻