Grant Event Showcase on QuestN

ZkSync Era - QuestN’s first Jumbo Banner Receiver

<aside> 📌 Jumbo banner


<aside> 🤼 189,702 Questers


<aside> ⛓️ Chain-Integration



Quest to earn

QuestN’s Jumbo Banner was released for the first time when the zkSync Era was integrated into QuestN.

The grand campaign “Pandora’s World of ZkSync Era Vol.1” was held from May 22 to June 6(12 days). During this event, QuestN collaborated with 13 project parties within the ecosystem. Each project devised specific quests that were featured in the campaign. These quests involved unique API tasks that allowed users to directly interact with the respective projects, providing an immersive experience to explore the zkSync Era firsthand.

Enter the Hosted Realm: Journey into zkSync Era with QuestN!

Support provided

Quest Showcases
