申请API 海报.png

QuestN has a solid reputation for its customized-quest-template service, a lot of communities come and ask if it’s possible to have customized templates for them to encourage and verify users’ actions.

We found it extremely hard to turn them down because we’re made to help with the projects’ growth, and we ended up being hands-full and sometimes overloaded because of it.

Luckily, QuestN’s development team just made it possible for project parties to create, test, and use the customized templates themselves.

<aside> <img src="/icons/document_green.svg" alt="/icons/document_green.svg" width="40px" /> Get started - for standard and Format, please take a look at our doc

API Technical Documentation


Where can I find the API application?

We’ve set the entry for the application on https://os.gmnetwork.ai/ , you can find it at Quest setting Step 2 Entries, under the Custom-Made category, click the API template button. As well as at the left below corner where the 🙂 Help Center is, click and you will see another API application entry, Write your API.



<aside> <img src="/icons/verified_green.svg" alt="/icons/verified_green.svg" width="40px" /> Another critical thing to remember is that the entry is only visible to the admins of the verified community on QuestN. This indicates that only verified communities can apply for this. So what are you waiting for? Get your community verified first!


What is information required?

After you hit the Apply button for customized templates, you will be seeing a form that needs to be filled out.

Template title, task icon, description, just the usual things when you get something created. But the most important things are the following three blanks, the first is the target URL, which refers to the link on QuestN’s user end you wish to jump to and you’re free to set anything in it. The second one is the API URL, this would be the API URL from the projects’ side. Then it comes to the API Header, which is an optional blank, it’s used to add keys on the API. Last but not least, the wallet address for testing. After entering the wallet address that conforms to the format, the system will start testing automatically.


<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_red.svg" alt="/icons/warning_red.svg" width="40px" /> Remember, all infos cannot be edited again after being submitted.


You can check the status of your API applications on the Applied page. Green mark when it works, otherwise the red one.

*Passed API-based templates can be deleted by the community.